Saturday 2 July 2016

Olive Tree Leaf Tea

Olive leaf, the leaf of the olive tree (Olea Europaea) was first used medicinally in Ancient Egypt.
Oliveleaf tea is a caffeine-free tea suitable for the whole family. It contains more antioxidants and vitamin C than green tea. In addition it has a very unique and pleasant taste.

Olive leaf is generally safe and doesn’t cause any serious side effects. On occasion, olive leaves may cause dizziness in people who have low blood pressure because it can lower it even further.

How to brew Olive Leaf Tea

The most beneficial tea is made from green organic olive leaves, quickly dried to maintain their health enhancing properties.

The leaves should ideally be oven-dried at just below 150 deg F (65 deg C).
Make tea in a teapot as you would normally make it, using approximately a teaspoonful of leaves per cup.

olive tree leaves tea
Olive Tree Leaves Tea

Olive Leaf Health Benefits:

OliveLeaf Tea is gaining recognition as a powerful defender against sickness and numerous scientific studies have been conducted to investigate the extracts beneficial properties. 

- Lowers Blood Pressure
- Improves Cardiovascular Health
- Diabete control
- Reduces the Risk of Cancer
- Improves Brain Function
- Kills Bacteria and Fungi
- Improves Immune system
- Relaxing
- Impoved wound healing
- Toothache relief
- Heart tonic
- Antimicrobial/preventative immune support beverage
- Good for arthritic pain and swelling
- Has reportedly produced good results for people with AIDS in strong concentrations
- Energy booster in stronger concentrations

Purchase your Organic Olive Tree Leaves here: