Sunday 17 July 2016


Lavender or Lavandula is a commonly grown herb plant popular for its fragrant aroma. It belongs to the mint family and is a Mediterranean native herb. There are many species of Lavender which vary somewhat in appearance and aromatic quality. Lavender is an easy-care plant which enjoys hot, dry conditions, making it suitable for use in a variety of landscape setting

Growing Lavender

Lavender needs full sun and good drainage to grow. It is more likely to die from excess moisture than from cold in winter. A pot is an excellent way to provide drainage, though the plant will be more vulnerable to cold temperatures than it would be in the ground.

lavender lavandula organic flowers
Organic Lavender

Harvest and Dry Lavender

Harvest Lavender stems at any time by cutting them from the plant. However, avoid clipping more than every third stem to keep the plant looking full. Flowers will keep their perfume for months when you harvest just before they are entirely open. To dry flowers, gather a bunch of stems and hang them upside-down in a dark, well-ventilated place to preserve color and keep the stems from molding.

Health Benefits of Lavender

Reduces anxiety and emotional stress
- Heals burns and wounds
- Improves sleep
- Restores skin complexion and reduces acne
- Slows aging with powerful antioxidants
- Improves eczema and psoriasis
- Alleviates headaches

Purchase your Organic Lavender here: