Monday 13 June 2016

How to Dry Your Own Herbs

Drying  your own herbs is really easy! All you really need is some string and a warm, dry place with hooks or pegs to hang them from.

Dry your Herbs - Steps:

Step 1: Gather your herbs. The best time to do this, is in the morning before the sun is shining on them. It’s also best to pick the herbs before the plants start to flower.

Step 2: Wash your herbs and pat them dry with a towel. Or, if your herbs look pretty clean, you can just shake them gently to get rid of any residual dust or dirt. At this point, pick off any leaves that are yellowed, spotted, or discolored.

dry wild herbs
Drying Herbs

Step 3: If your herbs have a lower moisture content (like thyme, bay leaves, oregano, sage, etc.), air-dry them by tying them in bundles and hanging them in a place that is warm and dry with some air circulation. If your herbs have a higher moisture content (like basil, lemon balm, mint, etc.), they could start to mold if they are not dried quickly enough. 

Step 4: Store your herbs. Once your herbs are completely dry (they should be able to crumble easily in your hands and have that crispy feel and sound like autumn leaves do), you can separate the leaves from the stems and put your dried herbs into old spice bottles, mason jars, etc.
The best place to store herbs in in a cool, dry place away from the light. This will keep the properties of the herbs as intact as possible and keep them fresh for the longest.

Looking for Organic Dried Herbs? You can find them in our shop: